MacWorld 1999 February
Macworld (1999-02).dmg
Games World
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746 lines
(game-module "ww2-bn"
(title "WWII, Battalion-level, Europe")
(blurb "base module for battalion-level WWII, European theater")
(variants (see-all true))
;;; Non-motorized infantry.
(unit-type inf (long-name "infantry"))
(unit-type inf-bicycle (long-name "bicycle infantry"))
(unit-type inf-para (long-name "parachute infantry") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type inf-glider (long-name "glider infantry") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type inf-sec (long-name "security company") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type inf-ranger (long-name "rangers") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type inf-cmdo (long-name "commando") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type inf-fusil (long-name "fusilier") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type inf-ost (long-name "Ost infantry") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type inf-pion (long-name "pioniere") (possible-sides "german"))
(define non-mot-inf-bn-types
(inf inf-bicycle inf-para inf-glider inf-ranger inf-cmdo inf-fusil inf-ost inf-pion))
(define non-mot-inf-co-types (inf-sec))
(define non-mot-inf-types (append non-mot-inf-bn-types non-mot-inf-co-types))
(add non-mot-inf-bn-types image-name "inf-bn")
(add inf-bicycle image-name "inf-bike-bn")
(add non-mot-inf-co-types image-name "inf-co")
(add non-mot-inf-types acp-per-turn 3)
(add inf-sec acp-per-turn 2)
(add (inf-bicycle inf-ranger inf-cmdo inf-pion) acp-per-turn 4)
(define allied-inf-types (inf-para inf-glider inf-sec inf-ranger inf-cmdo))
;;; Motorized infantry.
(unit-type inf-mot (long-name "motorized infantry"))
(unit-type inf-mg-co (long-name "machinegun company"))
(unit-type inf-mot-sec (long-name "motorized security"))
(unit-type inf-recon (long-name "recon") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type inf-fsj (long-name "Fallschirmjaeger") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type inf-mot-pion (long-name "Pioniere") (possible-sides "german"))
(define mot-inf-bn-types (inf-mot inf-fsj inf-recon))
(define mot-inf-co-types
(inf-mg-co inf-mot-sec inf-recon inf-mot-pion))
(define mot-inf-types (append mot-inf-bn-types mot-inf-co-types))
(add mot-inf-bn-types image-name "inf-mot-bn")
(add mot-inf-co-types image-name "inf-mot-co")
(add mot-inf-types acp-per-turn 8)
;;; Tracked infantry.
(unit-type inf-armored (long-name "armored infantry"))
(unit-type inf-pz-pion (long-name "Panzer pioniere") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type inf-armored-recon (long-name "armored recon") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type inf-lw-recon (long-name "Luftwaffe recon") (possible-sides "german"))
(define tracked-inf-types (inf-armored inf-pz-pion inf-armored-recon inf-lw-recon))
(add tracked-inf-types image-name "inf-tracked-bn")
(add (inf-armored inf-pz-pion) acp-per-turn 5)
(add (inf-armored-recon inf-lw-recon) acp-per-turn 6)
(define inf-bn-types (append non-mot-inf-bn-types mot-inf-bn-types inf-armored inf-pz-pion inf-armored-recon))
(define inf-co-types (append non-mot-inf-co-types mot-inf-co-types inf-lw-recon))
;;; All infantry types together.
(define inf-types (append non-mot-inf-types mot-inf-types tracked-inf-types))
(add inf-types hp-max 12)
(add inf-co-types hp-max 3)
;;; Cavalry types.
(unit-type cav-mech (long-name "mechanized cavalry") (image-name "cav-sqdn"))
(unit-type cav-mech-trp (long-name "mechanized cavalry troop") (image-name "cav-trp"))
(define cav-bn-types (cav-mech))
(define cav-co-types (cav-mech-trp))
(define cav-types (cav-mech cav-mech-trp))
(add cav-types acp-per-turn 12)
;;; Artillery types.
(unit-type arty-cd-cased (long-name "casemated coastal artillery"))
(unit-type arty-cd-open (long-name "open coastal artillery"))
(unit-type arty-horse (long-name "horse-drawn artillery battalion"))
(unit-type arty-horse-bty (long-name "horse-drawn artillery battery"))
(unit-type arty-para (long-name "parachute artillery"))
(unit-type arty-glider (long-name "glider artillery"))
(unit-type arty-rr (long-name "railroad artillery"))
(define german-fixed-arty-types
(arty-cd-cased arty-cd-open))
(add german-fixed-arty-types possible-sides "german")
(add german-fixed-arty-types acp-per-turn 2)
(add german-fixed-arty-types speed 0)
(add german-fixed-arty-types acp-to-fire 1)
(add german-fixed-arty-types range (12 10))
(define allied-non-mot-arty-types
(arty-para arty-glider))
(add allied-non-mot-arty-types possible-sides "allied")
(add allied-non-mot-arty-types acp-per-turn 6)
(add allied-non-mot-arty-types acp-to-fire 3)
(add allied-non-mot-arty-types range (8 6))
(define horse-arty-types
(arty-horse arty-horse-bty))
(add horse-arty-types acp-per-turn 3)
(add horse-arty-types acp-to-fire 1)
(add horse-arty-types range (8 12))
(add arty-rr acp-per-turn 6)
(add arty-rr acp-to-fire 3)
(add arty-rr range 20)
(add arty-rr range-min 5)
(define non-mot-arty-types
(append german-fixed-arty-types allied-non-mot-arty-types
horse-arty-types arty-rr))
(add non-mot-arty-types image-name "arty-bn")
(add arty-cd-cased image-name "arty-cd-cased")
(add arty-horse-bty image-name "arty-co")
(unit-type arty-group (long-name "artillery group") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type arty-hq (long-name "HQ artillery") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type arty-towed (long-name "towed artillery"))
(unit-type arty-flak (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type arty-flak-bty (long-name "Flak battery") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type arty-at (long-name "anti-tank battalion"))
(unit-type arty-nebel (long-name "Nebelwerfer battalion") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type arty-mortar (long-name "mortar battalion"))
(unit-type arty-mortar4.2 (long-name "mortar battalion") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type arty-fortress-bn (long-name "fortress battalion"))
(define mot-arty-types
(arty-group arty-hq arty-towed arty-flak arty-flak-bty
arty-at arty-nebel arty-mortar arty-mortar4.2 arty-fortress-bn))
(add mot-arty-types image-name "arty-mot-bn")
;(add mot-arty-types image-name "arty-mot-co")
(add (arty-mortar arty-mortar4.2) image-name "mortar")
(add (arty-flak arty-flak-bty) image-name "flak")
(add mot-arty-types acp-per-turn 8)
(add mot-arty-types acp-to-fire 4)
(add mot-arty-types range (8 9 8 1 1 1 5 4 2 2))
(unit-type arty-nebel-bty (long-name "Nebelwerfer battery") (possible-sides "german"))
(unit-type arty-armored (long-name "armored artillery"))
(unit-type arty-hq-armored (long-name "tracked HQ artillery") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type arty-sp-at (long-name "self-propelled anti-tank battalion"))
(unit-type arty-sp-at-co (long-name "self-propelled anti-tank company"))
(define tracked-arty-bn-types (arty-armored arty-sp-at))
(define tracked-arty-co-types (arty-nebel-bty arty-hq-armored arty-sp-at-co))
(define tracked-arty-types (append tracked-arty-bn-types tracked-arty-co-types))
(add tracked-arty-bn-types image-name "arty-armor-bn")
(add tracked-arty-co-types image-name "arty-armor-co")
(add tracked-arty-types acp-per-turn 6)
(add tracked-arty-types acp-to-fire 2)
(add tracked-arty-types range (8 4 8 1 1))
(define arty-types (append non-mot-arty-types mot-arty-types tracked-arty-types))
(add arty-types hp-max 12)
;;; Armor types.
(unit-type tank (long-name "tank battalion"))
(unit-type assault-gun (long-name "assault gun battalion"))
(unit-type tank-co (long-name "tank company"))
(unit-type assault-gun-co (long-name "assault gun company"))
(unit-type croc-co (long-name "crocodile company"))
(define armor-bn-types (tank assault-gun))
(define armor-co-types (tank-co assault-gun-co croc-co))
(define armor-types (append armor-bn-types armor-co-types))
(add armor-bn-types image-name "armor-bn")
(add armor-co-types image-name "armor-co")
(add armor-types acp-per-turn 6)
(add croc-co acp-per-turn 4)
(add armor-types hp-max 12)
;; Headquarters types.
(unit-type hq-nebel-brg (long-name "nebelwerfer brigade HQ"))
(unit-type hq-flak-reg (long-name "sturmflak regiment HQ"))
(unit-type hq-inf-div (long-name "infantry division HQ"))
(unit-type hq-mot-div (long-name "motorized infantry division HQ"))
(unit-type hq-para-div (long-name "airborne division HQ"))
(unit-type hq-gren-div (long-name "panzergrenadier division HQ"))
(unit-type hq-armor-div (long-name "armor division HQ"))
(unit-type hq-flak-korps (long-name "sturmflak korps HQ"))
(unit-type hq-pz-korps (long-name "panzer korps HQ"))
(unit-type hq-fsj-korps (long-name "fallschirmjaeger korps HQ"))
(unit-type hq-inf-corps (long-name "infantry corps HQ"))
(define german-hq-types
(hq-inf-div hq-nebel-brg hq-flak-reg hq-gren-div
hq-flak-korps hq-pz-korps hq-fsj-korps))
(add german-hq-types acp-per-turn 6)
(add german-hq-types possible-sides "german")
(define allied-hq-types
(hq-mot-div hq-para-div))
(add allied-hq-types possible-sides "allied")
(add allied-hq-types acp-per-turn (8 6))
(define generic-hq-types
(hq-armor-div hq-inf-corps))
(add generic-hq-types acp-per-turn 8)
(define hq-types (append german-hq-types allied-hq-types generic-hq-types))
(add hq-types image-name "inf-div-hq")
(add (hq-flak-korps hq-pz-korps hq-fsj-korps) image-name "inf-corps-hq")
(add hq-inf-corps image-name "inf-corps-hq")
(add hq-types hp-max 2)
(define corps-hq-types (hq-inf-corps hq-flak-korps hq-pz-korps hq-fsj-korps))
(define ground-unit-types (append inf-types cav-types arty-types armor-types hq-types))
(define mot-types (append mot-inf-types cav-types mot-arty-types hq-types))
(define tracked-types (append tracked-inf-types tracked-arty-types armor-types))
(define vehicle-types (append mot-types tracked-types))
(define bn-types (append inf-bn-types cav-bn-types))
(define co-types (append inf-co-types cav-co-types armor-co-types))
;;; Trains.
(unit-type train (possible-sides "german"))
(add train acp-per-turn 80)
;;; Ships.
(unit-type landing-ship (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type transport (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type destroyer (image-name "dd"))
(unit-type cruiser (image-name "ca"))
(unit-type battleship (image-name "bb"))
(define ship-types (landing-ship transport destroyer cruiser battleship))
(add ship-types possible-sides "allied")
;(add ship-types acp-per-turn 4)
;(add ship-types speed 99.00)
(add ship-types acp-per-turn 80)
(add (destroyer cruiser battleship) acp-to-fire 20)
(add (destroyer cruiser battleship) range (6 8 12))
(add ship-types hp-max (6 6 6 12 18))
;;; Aircraft.
(unit-type fighter-bomber (image-name "1e"))
(unit-type light-bomber (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type medium-bomber (image-name "4e"))
(unit-type heavy-bomber (image-name "4e"))
(define aircraft (fighter-bomber light-bomber medium-bomber heavy-bomber))
(add aircraft possible-sides "allied")
(add aircraft acp-per-turn 4)
(add aircraft speed 99.00)
;;; Places.
(unit-type fort (image-name "fortress"))
(unit-type fortification (image-name "walltown"))
(unit-type coast-strongpoint (image-name "fortress"))
(define fort-types (fort fortification coast-strongpoint))
(add fort-types hp-max 8)
;;; Supply-related units.
(unit-type mulberry (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type port (image-name "anchor"))
(unit-type supply-depot)
(define supply-types (mulberry port supply-depot))
(unit-type village (image-name "town20"))
(unit-type town (image-name "city18"))
(define town-types (village town))
(add town-types see-always true)
(add town-types hp-max (24 48))
(define place-types (append fort-types supply-types town-types))
;;; Materials
(material-type supply)
;;; Terrain and its properties.
(terrain-type sea (char ".")
(occurrence 10))
(terrain-type clear (image-name "pale-green") (char "+")
(occurrence 60))
(terrain-type bocage (char "#")
(occurrence 20))
(terrain-type hill (image-name "mountains") (char "^")
(occurrence 1))
(terrain-type forest (char "%")
(occurrence 8))
(terrain-type swamp
(terrain-type flooded
(help "ground that is temporarily swampy")
(terrain-type beach (image-name "desert")
(terrain-type city (image-name "urban") (char "*")
(occurrence 1))
(terrain-type river
(subtype border) (occurrence 10))
(terrain-type road
(subtype connection) (subtype-x road-x) (occurrence 10))
(terrain-type sec-road (image-name "dark-gray")
(subtype connection) (subtype-x road-x) (occurrence 100))
(terrain-type railroad (image-name "black")
(subtype connection) (subtype-x road-x) (occurrence 50))
(define land (clear bocage hill forest swamp flooded city beach))
(define roads (road sec-road))
;; Although flooded terrain is basically liquid, we don't want
;; shoreline drawing and don't need the elevation leveling.
(add sea liquid true)
;;; Distances are all in meters.
(add t* elevation-min 0)
(add t* elevation-max 1000)
(add (sea swamp) elevation-max 0)
(area (cell-width 2000))
;;; Static relationships.
(table vanishes-on
(ground-unit-types sea true)
; ((arty-rr train) t* true)
; ((arty-rr train) railroad false)
(ship-types land true)
;; Landing ships can go on the beach.
(landing-ship beach false)
(place-types sea true)
;; ...except for mulberries.
(mulberry sea false)
;; A cell has a capacity for basically six companies or two battalions.
(add t* capacity 6)
(table unit-size-in-terrain
(bn-types t* 3)
(co-types t* 1)
(arty-types t* 1)
(arty-sp-at t* 3) ; only large arty type
(armor-bn-types t* 2)
(hq-types t* 1)
;; A port takes up no additional space.
(port t* 0)
;; A town fills up the cell.
(town t* 6)
(add landing-ship capacity 9)
(add transport capacity 9)
(add fort-types capacity 12)
(add town-types capacity 12)
(table unit-size-as-occupant
(u* u* 100)
(bn-types (landing-ship transport) 3)
(co-types (landing-ship transport) 1)
(arty-types (landing-ship transport) 1)
(arty-sp-at (landing-ship transport) 3) ; only large arty type
(armor-bn-types (landing-ship transport) 2)
(hq-types (landing-ship transport) 1)
;; Stacking in towns is similar to stacking in terrain.
(bn-types fort-types 3)
(co-types fort-types 1)
(arty-types fort-types 1)
(arty-sp-at fort-types 3) ; only large arty type
(armor-bn-types fort-types 2)
(hq-types fort-types 1)
(bn-types town-types 3)
(co-types town-types 1)
(arty-types town-types 1)
(arty-sp-at town-types 3) ; only large arty type
(armor-bn-types town-types 2)
(hq-types town-types 1)
(table unit-capacity-x
(port transport 6)
(table unit-storage-x
;; Any unit can get along for two days by itself.
(u* supply 18)
(co-types supply 6)
(hq-types supply 180)
(place-types supply 180)
(supply-depot supply 360)
;;; Actions.
;; (Acp is defined with each subset of types.)
;; Units need some material to be able to act.
;; Night shuts things down considerably.
(table acp-night-effect
;; 1/2 of normal abilities.
(u* t* 50)
;;; Movement.
(table mp-to-leave-terrain
(u* t* 1)
(u* swamp 2)
(u* flooded 2)
(vehicle-types t* 2)
;; Armor can go cross-country.
(armor-types (clear bocage) 1)
(vehicle-types city 1)
;; Standing water is a problem for vehicles.
(vehicle-types swamp 3)
(vehicle-types flooded 4)
;; Advantage of roads.
(vehicle-types roads 0)
;; Rail-only units.
((arty-rr train) t* 9999)
((arty-rr train) railroad 1)
;; Prevent land units from crossing the sea.
(u* sea 9999)
(ship-types sea 0)
(aircraft sea 0)
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
(u* t* 1)
(u* swamp 2)
(u* flooded 2)
(vehicle-types t* 2)
(vehicle-types city 1)
;; Standing water is a problem for vehicles.
(vehicle-types swamp 3)
(vehicle-types flooded 4)
;; Extra cost to cross rivers.
(u* river 1)
(vehicle-types river 3)
(tracked-types river 2)
;; Advantage of roads.
(vehicle-types roads 0)
;; Rail-only units.
((arty-rr train) t* 9999)
((arty-rr train) railroad 1)
;; Accident prevention.
(ground-unit-types sea 9999)
(ship-types land 9999)
(landing-ship beach 1)
(table mp-to-traverse
(vehicle-types roads 1)
((arty-rr train) railroad 1)
;; No freebies for landing, we have to be in a port or on a beach.
(table ferry-on-entry
((landing-ship transport) u* over-nothing)
(table ferry-on-departure
((landing-ship transport) u* over-nothing)
(add inf-types free-mp 1)
(add non-mot-inf-types free-mp 2)
;;; Production.
(table base-production
;; Corps HQs "produce" enough supply to support all the units that would
;; be under their command, for about one day or so.
(corps-hq-types supply 300)
(table base-consumption
;; Units are consuming all the time.
(u* supply 3)
(co-types supply 1)
;; ... but not forts or towns.
(fort-types supply 0)
(town-types supply 0)
(table hp-per-starve
;; Starving units ultimately die or surrender, so end up out of the
;; game permanently.
(u* supply 6.00)
(fort-types supply 0)
(town-types supply 0)
;;; Combat.
;;; (Hp and range is defined with each set of types.)
(table acp-to-attack
(u* u* 1)
(vehicle-types u* 4)
;; Artillery can't attack things directly (can still defend though).
(arty-types inf-types 0)
(arty-types armor-types 0)
(arty-types fort-types 0)
(arty-types town-types 0)
;; HQs may not attack directly, though they can defend themselves
;; adequately.
(hq-types u* 0)
((landing-ship transport) u* 0)
(table hit-chance
(u* u* 50)
(hq-types u* 0)
(u* hq-types 25)
(u* fort-types 5)
(u* town-types 100)
((landing-ship transport) u* 0)
(table damage
(u* u* 1d5)
(hq-types u* 0)
(u* fort-types 1)
(u* town-types 1)
((landing-ship transport) u* 0)
(table retreat-chance
(inf-types inf-types 10)
(armor-types inf-types 20)
(inf-types arty-types 20)
(armor-types arty-types 40)
(u* hq-types 50)
;;; Capture.
(table capture-chance
;; This is the chance to capture a mostly-abandoned fort.
(inf-types fort-types 50)
(armor-types fort-types 50)
;; Towns never offer any sort of resistance.
(u* town-types 100)
(table protection
(inf-types fort-types 50)
(arty-types fort-types 40)
(armor-types fort-types 40)
(inf-types town-types 50)
(arty-types town-types 60)
(armor-types town-types 40)
(table occupant-combat
(ground-unit-types (landing-ship transport) 0)
;; Infantry bounces back if given a chance to rest.
(add inf-types hp-recovery 0.25)
;; Damage to forts is hard to repair.
(add fort-types hp-recovery 0.05)
;; The Germans may want to destroy ports etc.
(add port acp-to-disband 1)
;;; Backdrop.
(table out-length
;; Most consumers of supply never give any up automatically.
(u* supply -1)
;; Supply sources can share things around.
(hq-types supply 8)
(supply-depot supply 12)
(table in-length
(u* supply 12)
;;; Random game synthesis (for testing mostly, will usually use fixed map and units).
(set synthesis-methods
'(make-random-terrain make-countries make-independent-units make-roads))
(set synthesis-methods (append synthesis-methods '(make-random-date)))
(set initial-date-min "0 1 Jan 1944")
(set initial-date-max "0 1 May 1945")
;; need a French name generator for villages.
;(add village independent-density 1000)
(set country-radius-min 8)
(add sea country-terrain-min 4)
(add sea country-terrain-max 10)
;; One of everything.
(add u* start-with 1)
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 100)
(u* sea 0)
(ship-types t* 0)
(ship-types sea 100)
(table road-chance
(town (village town) (50 100))
(village village 20)
(table road-into-chance
(land land 100))
;; All units start out completely supplied.
(table unit-initial-supply (u* m* 9999))
;;; Scenario fillins.
;;; Getting the dates right.
(set calendar '(usual hour 8))
(world 25000 (day-length 3))
;;; The usual sides.
(set side-library '(
((name "Allies") (adjective "Allied") (class "allied")
(color "blue") (emblem-name "white-star"))
((name "Germany") (adjective "German") (class "german")
(color "black") (emblem-name "german-cross"))
(game-module (notes (
"This is a generic battalion-level set of definitions, strongly oriented"
"towards the Normandy invasion timeframe."
"The basic map scale is 2km/hex, 8 hours/turn."
(game-module (design-notes (